Community Training and Education to help create a suicide-safer community. These trainings can help our community become more informed about suicide and mental health. Learn how you can support people in your life and help decrease the stigma of suicide and mental health concerns.
Our Community Training and Education training classes teach you to:
- Recognize warning signs
- Assess risk
- Respond in a supportive manner
- Intervene
- Connect a person with a trained professional or community resource
- Develop a safety plan
QPR – Gatekeeper Training
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.
SafeTALK teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
ASIST training is a two-day in-depth and interactive workshop that teaches participants risk assessment and intervention skills for people at high or immediate risk of suicide.
Suicide Safety In Schools
Suicide Safety In Schools, a mental health education program, provides crisis management and suicide safety training to the Onondaga County school communities, including students, parents, teaching staff and district administration in evidence-based practices, protocols and trainings.
Community Resources
For a wide array of resources on topics such as suicide, social and emotional literacy, background and Contact programs, and mental health, follow the “learn more” button.
Contact Community Services Inc. is a Central New York not for profit agency that supports the social, emotional, behavioral and mental health of children, youth, and adults. We deliver this support through three broad program areas: Crisis and Suicide Prevention; School Support Services; and Training and Education.

Make a Donation
Your commitment of a monthly gift helps us be the most responsive to help save lives. Please use the donation button below to arrange a monthly contribution. Help us continue to bring hope and light to those in need in our community.