Help Turn Central New York Purple & Teal for National Suicide Prevention Month in September!
Contact Community Services is working to create a suicide-safer community by providing community education and awareness around mental health and suicide prevention. We are asking for your help to support our efforts in creating community awareness and raising funds for suicide prevention by turning Central New York Purple & Teal for National Suicide Prevention Month in September!
Why Purple & Teal?
The purple & teal colors symbolize suicide awareness and serves as a reminder that suicide is a public health issue we need to talk about. COVID-19 has affected daily life in unprecedented ways including a severe impact on the mental health and well-being of many people around the world. While many individuals have adapted, others have experienced mental health challenges. As the pandemic continues to obstruct access to care, it has raised concerns about the increase in suicidal behavior. We need your help in continuing the conversation around suicide prevention.
There are 3 ways you can help:
Colors for a Cause – pick any day during the month of September (or all month long) and encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and employees to wear purple and/or teal, or a purple and teal suicide prevention ribbon, in exchange for a personal donation to Contact Community Services. *Purple and teal ribbons can be supplied.
Donation – ask your colleagues if they would like to donate towards mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
Community Awareness – Allow us to set up a table at your organization or business on any day during the month of September to provide mental health and suicide prevention information to the community.
Funds raised for the campaign go directly towards Contact’s crisis and school-based services where we provide a free, confidential, 24-hour, 7-day a-week counseling hotline and referral service for individuals looking for information on health and human services. Additionally, Contact provides suicide prevention and mental health training to community organizations, businesses and school districts all free of charge throughout Central New York.
Campaign Resources
Make a Donation
To participate in the campaign, please click below to make a donation through PayPal:
To make a donation through Venmo, please search for @ContactCommunityServices or scan the QR code below:

Make a Donation
Save lives with your gift. Donate today and help those in need in our community.