SafeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention.

SafeTALK stresses safety while challenging taboos that inhibit open talk about suicide. The program recommends that an ASIST-trained resource or other community support resource be at all trainings. The ‘safe’ of safeTALK stands for ‘suicide alertness for everyone’. ‘TALK’ stands for the practice actions that one does to help those with thoughts of suicide: Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe.

For a full list of our FREE community trainings click: here

Anyone. SafeTalk training is recommended for any interested community members. Most people with thoughts of suicide “invite” help to stay safe. safeTALK trains participants to become “suicide alert.” Alert helpers recognize those “invitations” and know how to use these opportunities to support that desire for safety.

Learn and practice powerful, life-saving skills in just four hours

Participants learn to move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid possible warning signs or “invitations”; identify people who have thoughts of suicide; apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe); and the KeepSafe step includes connecting the at-risk person to a helper or organization with suicide intervention expertise.

Anywhere. The safeTALK training provides clear and practical information and includes video, discussion and practice. safeTALK is especially appropriate for large organizations dealing with many people on a daily basis, such as emergency services, secondary and post-secondary schools, medical settings, law enforcement and the military.

There is no cost to attend this workshop.

Kristine Knutson, ,  315-218-1915

Certified safeTALK Instructors
safeTALK training classes held
Total training classes
Community members served

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